More of seeing Americana in miscellaneous things around the Southeast and sights that reflect Americana

Prospect, Tennessee is a quaint old community. One can sit and wonder about all the warm conversations and real business deals that went on here in days past.
If I remember correctly the red stairs on the right of the building reach a balcony in the rear. The place I was standing for this shot was the old railroad bed.

The Stars and Stripes fly in a park on the banks of Lake Guntersville, Alabama. Guntersville is a beautiful city in north Alabama.
The Lake was named after the city of Guntersville, which became a city/town in 1847. Guntersville is the County Seat of Marshall County, Alabama.

A pretty old home in Marshall County, Alabama, one of many sights that reflect Americana.

An old clock in the old train depot in Decatur, Alabama. The depot is now the Decatur Historic Railroad Depot Museum.

A pretty hillside and old barn in Giles County, Tennessee.

An old antiques shop in Giles County, Tennessee.

A pretty old home in the Taft community, in Lincoln County, Tennessee.

The Stars and Stripes fly above a POW/MIA flag at the courthouse in Pulaski, Tennessee.

The American Bald Eagle is a beautiful bird. I got this shot in October of 2024.

Looking down from Brindlee Mountain in Morgan County, Alabama.

A Bald Eagle surveys his domain in Jackson County, Alabama.
#americana #gilescountytennessee #miscellaneous #americanhistory #rockybaker #baldeagle #appalachianmountains #antiques #farmhouse #flag #starsandstripes #oldclock #oldbarn #prospecttennessee #marshallcountyalabama #lincolncountytennessee #jacksoncountyalabama #pulaskitennessee
Rocky, beautiful pictures! Alabama and Tennessee are salt of the earth states. Good people.