Americana On Display
The 57th annual Tennessee Valley Old Time Fiddlers Convention took place in early October at Athens State University in Athens, Alabama. A large crowd enjoyed the event along with the perfect weather. American history and American culture were reflected everywhere at the four-day event.

Thousands of people enjoyed song, dance, arts-and-crafts, and fun at the 2024 Fiddler's Convention.
People from all over the country visited the campus of Athens State University to enjoy the music, dance, singing, and crafts - and fellowship of friendly people.

Bluegrass music and Old Time Appalachian music are the key points of interest during the three-day event. Americana is on display at the Fiddler's Convention.

Fiddlers and those skilled in various instruments flock to north Alabama from all over the country every October for this annual event.
Besides music the event features competitions in Buck Dancing plus a large arts and crafts show.

Adults and children and in-betweens take part in the festivities.

The majority of the music is played in informal jam sessions.

Fiddles, banjos, guitars, mandolins, dulcimers, dobro, and bass fiddles are seen all over.

The musicians come in every age group.

The winner of many of the competitions are recognized as the Alabama State Champion for that musical category.

But many, probably most, people come for the friendly comradery and just hanging out with fellow Bluegrass and Old Time Music enthusiasts.
The Story of One Old Time Singer Tells a Lot About Old Time Music
Once again this year the winner of the Old Time Singing was Allan Daniel from Woodland, Alabama. By virtue of winning that competition, Allan is now the Alabama State Champion of Old Tine Singing.
Allan is a regular visitor to the Fiddler's Convention. He first visited in 2015 and first entered the Old Time Singing competition in 2018. He won 4th place that year. Since then he has placed second twice and first place twice.

This year Allan won first after he sang "That Old Ship of Zion". It is a great old time song.

If you watch Allan compete and if you talk to him about singing, you will discover that singing is important to him.
Allan was born in the 1960's in Woodland, Alabama. From childhood he has been a member of the Church of Christ, a conservative church that does not use instruments in their regular singing, They sing A Cappella. That is an Italian term for singing multipart music by unaccompanied voices. The Italian meaning is "in the manner of the chapel".
I talked to Allan about Old Time Singing and how he came to be the Alabama State Champion.
Allan said that Old Time Music is based on a society much different than the world of 21st century America. Back in the old days in the Appalachian area, life was a struggle. If you couldn't make it you didn't have it and if you couldn't grow it you couldn't eat it. That struggle led most people to being more in touch with he spiritual side of life, and that spiritual side is reflected in their Old Time music.
Allan learned old time music not just in church, but also at the M & M Music Barn in Randolph County. Murphy Wilson and his wife Martha held a big music event once a month at their place. The event was popular in the community.
Allan told me that he is not anti-instruments for Old Time Singing. He really appreciates many performances that use instruments. But for him, a cappella is the best way for him to put his heart into the song. And the singer's heart connecting to the song is THE key factor for Allan. He says that the connection shows up when the singer sings and the judges can see that.
Months before his performance, he looks at a group of old time songs and picks one that he can "connect to" with his heart. Allan cites that as a key factor to his success. And Allan does practice that song many times before the October competition.

Allan also plays bluegrass banjo.
Allan made a point to say that one of the main reasons he likes the Fiddler's Convention is the camaraderie and the friendly crowd. That was not news to me. The event is a gathering of thousands of friendly people, all smiling and having fun.
In Closing:
The 2024 Fiddler's Convention was again a strong show of Americana.
Americana is defined as "an item that reflects American culture or American history".
Both American history and American culture are displayed in the music and dance and crafts at the Fiddler's Convention. Plus the friendly crowd and the beautiful campus at Athens State University make it a wonderful event to visit.
Every reader of Picture Americana would enjoy a visit to the next Fiddler's Convention.
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Interesting😀. Cedrik
Nice Pics. What is your camera equipment?
Camera, lens, lighting
Rocky, fantastic article. Having lived in New England for about 20 years, had a lot of exposure to bluegrass, and folk music. Remember it fondly.